This Man Feeds 80 Stray Dogs Every Day Because He Can’t Bear to See Them Starve


Regrettably, there exists a population of dogs that endure lives devoid of joy, roaming the streets in hunger and susceptible to mistreatment. Their salvation often lies in the hands of compassionate local champions, enabling them to thrive and find enduring happiness. Among these heroes stands Michael J. Baines, renowned as “The Man Who Rescues Dogs.”

Hailing from Scotland, Baines embarked on a journey that led him to Switzerland at the tender age of two before eventually settling in Thailand, where he has made his home for the past fourteen years.

During his time in Thailand, Baines was deeply moved by the sight of countless abandoned canines traversing perilous paths. Motivated by compassion, he resolved to devise a remedy for their plight.

Thailand’s scenic landscapes belie a grim reality—the pervasive presence of stray dogs. Tragically, these forsaken creatures face the constant threat of starvation, illness, and even being ensnared in the country’s abhorrent dog meat trade. Baines shed light on the sentiments harbored by locals toward these strays:

“All the residents here lament the overpopulation of dogs, advocating for drastic measures like shooting them. This sentiment echoes across Thailand, labeling it solely as a ‘dog problem.’ However, I challenge this notion; it’s fundamentally a people problem. By fostering education, we can gradually mitigate the root cause, allowing dogs to lead contented lives.”

In the bustling city of Chonburi, Michael J. Baines held the dual roles of manager and chef at Carrot, a beloved eatery. Amidst his duties, a malnourished canine, fraught with illness, beseeched him for sustenance one fateful day. Discovering her recent motherhood, Baines couldn’t bear witness to her suffering.

Moved by compassion, he swiftly concocted a meal in the kitchen, which she devoured with palpable gratitude. The hunger evident in her eyes spoke volumes, tugging at Baines’ heartstrings.

Recalling the encounter to Newsner, he recounted, “I peered into her eyes… she pleaded, ‘Help me. I’m famished.’ Her touch resonated deeply within me, unveiling the extent of their plight and innate warmth.”

Subsequently, the dog became a familiar visitor, returning each day for nourishment, forging an unbreakable bond with Baines. She became the first of many canine souls he would rescue from adversity.

Baines revealed to Newsner, “It was like an unstoppable urge. The sight of distressed dogs just tore at my heart.”

Discovering his soft spot for suffering canines, Baines embarked on a mission, rescuing nine dogs of his own, including one with no hind legs. While many might have halted at that point, Baines sensed a greater calling for Thailand’s dogs. In 2016, he quipped, “Nine isn’t too crazy, but ten? That would be madness. Nine’s a good number.”

With each daily stroll alongside his cherished pups, Baines encountered a multitude of hungry and injured strays lining the streets, igniting a conviction within him to do more.

In his remarks to Newsner, Baines reflected, “Every day on my way to and from work, I see them. I can’t just pass by and turn a blind eye, especially knowing my own dogs were once in the same predicament.”

Fast forward five years, and this compassionate soul now tends to approximately 80 strays on a regular basis, making three trips daily to distribute food to various gathering spots. Moreover, he’s facilitated the sterilization of roughly 100 dogs and facilitated the adoption of around 30 others.

Baines’ responsibilities encompass venturing onto the streets to rescue abandoned dogs, ensuring they are nourished, and providing them with a secure, cozy sanctuary. Moreover, he shoulders the financial burden of their spaying, neutering, and any required medical treatment. His ultimate aim is to facilitate their adoption into caring households, where they can bask in affection and security for the remainder of their days.

Selflessly, Baines funds all these endeavors from his personal earnings, prioritizing the welfare of the animals above all else.

Additionally, this compassionate individual goes beyond the norm by offering the dogs a menu of chicken, fish, steamed rice, and even homemade broth. Such provisions offer a stark contrast to their previous existence marred by destitution and deprivation.

This high-nutrient diet doesn’t come cheap, with Baines shelling out approximately $1000 each month just for meals. While donations are welcomed, most of the expenses are covered by Baines’ own earnings.

Baines shared, “The dogs under my care are generally thriving, although some still struggle due to insufficient food or medical attention. I incorporate deworming medication into their meals monthly, which aids in combating heartworms and ticks,” as reported by Newsner.

Baines went on to explain the most rewarding part of the job :

“Interacting with these animals is truly heartening. Some of them exhibit warmth and friendliness, allowing me to engage in hugs and playful interactions. Others, unfortunately, remain deeply apprehensive, even after a considerable span of two years. However, one of the most gratifying experiences is witnessing the transformation of a once-abused elderly dog, gradually becoming receptive to touch and affection. Though it may take up to two years, the eventual breakthrough is nothing short of miraculous.”

Bains also believes that people who sell dogs for a high price are immoral :

“I firmly oppose the operations of markets and stores that profit from the sale of puppies. Such practices are morally bankrupt in my view. Those seeking a canine companion should consider adopting from the streets or shelters. There’s a surplus of dogs in need of loving homes, and the best part is, they come without a price tag,” he asserted in an interview with Newsner.

Presently, under the direction of Anna Röd Tjernström, a documentary is in the making centered around the endeavors of Baine, entitled “The Man Who Rescues Dogs.”

The primary goal of this documentary is to shed light on Baine’s remarkable contributions while also bringing attention to the larger issue of the insufficient support system for stray dogs in Thailand.

The act of saving dogs in a nation where the welfare of these animals is often disregarded demands immense courage and unwavering commitment. Baines’ relentless and costly efforts, which result in the rescue of countless lives each day, leave us in awe.

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