Dog Lost For Four Months Discovered Alive In Freezing Snow , Reunited With Owner

rescue dog

When a cherished pet dog vanished amidst the snowy expanse of Tahoe for a staggering four months, despair seemed inevitable. Yet, against all odds, a tale unfolded – one of resilience, determination, and ultimate salvation.

Ricardo Rodriguez embarked on a journey to the majestic Tahoe region, nestled along the California-Nevada border, accompanied by his faithful canine companion, Russ. Their bond was unbreakable as they ventured into the rugged terrain together, seeking adventure amidst nature’s splendor.

During his stay in Tahoe, Ricardo was struck by the sudden disappearance of Russ, his beloved dog. Assembling a dedicated group of friends, they tirelessly combed through the area, dedicating hours to the search effort. Every local shelter was contacted, and reports of the missing pet were filed, yet Russ remained elusive. Despite their best efforts, Ricardo was heartbroken to depart Tahoe without his faithful companion by his side.

Reflecting on the ordeal months later, Ricardo shared, “With no news for months, I began to believe Russ had found a new home with another owner. Still, I held onto hope that one day he might find his way back to me.”

It wasn’t until four months later, amidst a skiing excursion near Twin Peaks, that fate intervened. Two close friends stumbled upon a black dog trapped within the depths of a tree well. Despite their inability to reach the stranded animal, they took to social media, sharing images in a bid to reunite the lost pup with its owner.

The image immediately captured Wendy Jones’ attention, the dedicated proprietor of Tahoe PAWS and TLC Furry Friends, an esteemed organization specializing in the rescue of canines. Wendy, along with her proficient team, possesses adept skills in locating missing pets across the expansive regions of the Sierra and Western Nevada.

Upon viewing the distressing sight, Wendy resolved to initiate a rescue operation for the stranded dog. Accompanied by two capable volunteers, Leona Allen and Elsa Gaule, the team embarked on their mission. They were acutely aware that leaving the dog stranded meant an inevitable fate of starvation or exposure to the harsh elements.

“There was no room for hesitation,” recounted Leona. “It was a do-or-die situation; either we succeeded in rescuing him, or he wouldn’t survive the night.”

The team also reached out to Officer Kyle Shumaker from El Dorado County Animal Control, but unfortunately, he lacked the necessary equipment to perform the dog rescue. Despite this setback, Officer Shumaker provided them with a sledge, essential for navigating the steep, snow-covered terrain.

As the temperature plummeted, dropping an additional two degrees Fahrenheit, the situation grew even more dire. Armed with only a social media photo, a map, and faint dog tracks to guide them, the team pressed on, determined to locate the stranded animal. Little did they know, fate had led them to Ricard’s missing companion, Russ.

Leona recalls the sighting :

“Gazing up into the beam of my headlamp, I spotted a murky mass nestled in the snow beneath the tree’s canopy. My heart sank, fearing the worst: ‘Oh my gosh, it’s the dog, and he’s no longer among the living.’ Yet, as I cautiously approached, a miraculous sight unfolded before me – Russ stirred, his eyes flickering open, and he raised his weary head. In a surge of emotion, I let out a scream!” She clarified that the scream arose spontaneously, a reflexive outpouring of relief upon realizing Russ’s survival.

Leona recounted it as one of the most joyous moments she had ever experienced, while her teammate Elsa devised a strategic approach. Their foremost task was to establish trust with the dog.

At the outset, Russ was gripped by fear, and he instinctively emitted growls as the strangers drew near. His reaction was unsurprising, given his harrowing ordeal of surviving months alone and frightened in the snow.

Taking a leap of faith, Elsa attempted to soothe him with gentle strokes, hoping to ease his agitation. “I extended my hand and placed it beneath his chin, and he immediately rested his head upon it,” she recounted.

The subsequent priority was to alleviate the trembling dog’s cold, so they wrapped him snugly in a blanket and settled him onto the sledge. Initially skittish, he refused to remain on the sled, yet after receiving affection from Leona, he gradually relaxed and settled onto the sledge.

Russ endured extreme conditions including scarce food, harsh weather, and nearby fires. Remarkably, upon veterinary examination, no health issues were detected except for some understandable distress from the ordeal. The vet described him as “chilly, famished, and parched, yet content and affectionate.”

Although Russ had a microchip, it was outdated and couldn’t provide Ricardo’s current whereabouts. Undeterred, the team persisted in their search. The outdated microchip did, however, lead them to the last recorded location, prompting the discovery of a missing dog report filed by Ricardo and his friends months earlier. With this vital information, the team successfully contacted Ricardo, delivering the heartwarming news of his beloved pet’s safety.

Ecstatic, Ricardo wasted no time and promptly reunited with his cherished companion, overwhelmed with joy.

“The TLC 4 Furry Friends organization shared the heartwarming news on their Facebook page, expressing the owner’s overwhelming joy upon learning of his dog’s survival!

Russ’s exhilaration knew no bounds upon reuniting with his beloved owner, marking the end of a lengthy separation as they embarked on their journey home together.

For those interested in contributing to TLC 4 Furry Friends and bolstering their commendable volunteer efforts, a visit to their Facebook page offers an avenue for donations.

Let’s spread the word about this uplifting tale to extend a helping hand to this charity, empowering them to continue their noble mission of rescuing animals!”

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